Saturday, October 23, 2010

In search of offal

Years ago my friend Kathy and I went to Cabo San Lucas.  Late one evening at a quiet little back street restaurant, we were shmoozing with our attentive Mexican waiter when he sat down with his guitar and serenaded us with Spanish love songs.  We leaned in, listening intently, and reacted enthusiastically when we recognized a word that we had learned, just that very day.  In unison, we said knowingly to each other "cenicero".  Our little Mexican continued singing briefly then abruptly sat back and laughed out loud when he realized his little song of love had just been trashed in translation. Okay, I suppose it's reasonable to expect that there aren't that many Spanish love songs that would contain the word ashtray.

When you have a very small vocabulary in another language, words that you do recognize stand alone in a kind of pop up bubble while the rest is all gibberish, so whenever I hear a song sung in Spanish, the word CORAZONE always pops up.
I  mean, really, always. 

So, I am giving myself a little assignment whilst I'm whiling in my Snowbird nest.
I am going to find a Spanish song that doesn't contain the word corazone.
In fact, I will be listening for a word that's not there. 
If a word isn't in the lyrics does anybody hear? Would Bruce know?
My, my, this just might be a little too esoteric for my liking.

A little help for the uninitiated

Offal  If you just looked at this link and are thinking... What? Scrotum is in every Spanish song? you are hopeless...

try the following link Eat Me Daily

más tarde mis amigos

1 comment:

  1. Don't know if you are just being exceedingly sly but Bruce's video of "If a tree falls..." starts with a blue marble!

